The Transfer of the USS Sarsi Survivors to Japan

The survivors of the sinking were taken to Wonsan by the USS Comstock. They were then transferred onto the USS Platte AO-24 for transportation to Sasebo, Japan. The two photos below are of the survivors aboard a landing vessel. Which vessel is unknown.

Photo from Bill Whitler, (A Sarsi Survivor)

Photo from Warner "Woo Woo" Dollnig, (crewman of USS Platte AO-24)

Upon arrival in Sasebo, the commanding officer of the base met the USS Platte on the refueling dock.

Photo from Warner "Woo Woo" Dollnig, (crewman of USS Platte AO-24)

Base commanding officer conferring with officers and crew of Sarsi before disembarking at Sasebo.

Photo from Warner "Woo Woo" Dollnig, (crewman of USS Platte AO-24)

Sarsi Survivors say that they were treated well by the crewmen of the rescuing ships and the USS Platte. Many of the men had gone overboard wearing only their "skivvies", and those who had been dressed lost or abandoned many articles of clothing while in the water. Crewmembers of these ships dug into their personal stores and gave much needed clothing articles to the Sarsi men. Ship's galleys immediately prepared food and the some of the medical personnel made "medicinal amounts" of spirits available to help the men relax and rest.

After medical exams and treatment, the crewmen who were able to travel were transferred from Sasebo to the US by the USS Prairie AD-15.

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